Hey there!
My name is Dr. Kelly Moore.
I am a licensed clinical psychologist with over 17 years of experience as a practitioner, trainer, and consultant focusing on treatment of anxiety, depression, trauma, and postpartum-related challenges in youth and adults. But I am more than just a psychologist…
I am a Black woman.
I am a wife.
I am a mom to three amazing boys.
I am a sister.
I am a daughter.
I am a friend.
I am an active member of my community.
I love cooking, dancing, Beyoncé, the beach, and reading.
And I like people. Watching people, observing people, learning from people. People are my favorite!
And — like all of you — I am a work in progress.
I believe that knowledge is power and there’s power in your family’s ability to be well — mind, body, and spirit.