Dr. Kelly and The Well Family Spot
Hey there! Gather ‘round because I want you to know more about this blog and why I started it.
My mom, Diana Walker, back in the 70s.
She’s why I created this…
I have been wanting to blog forever! I am a card carrying member of The Imposter Syndrome Club and I openly say that so others that deal with it know they aren’t alone. I felt like there were so many people out there that were doing this and why was there a need for me to be doing the same thing.
But those fears came to a grinding halt about 5 years ago, when my mother passed away…on my birthday…just weeks before my younger sister’s wedding.
Losing my mother and learning to live without her brought me to the place of thinking more about lost time. My father gave me some of her journals and she wrote down so many things she wanted to do that she never had a chance to. She was 61 when she passed away. What would she have done if she had more time? (Can you imagine the level of tears hearing Eliza Hamilton sing this in Hamilton? I saw it in Philly once and was a damn puddle!)
So while losing my mom was my motivation, my inspiration was the many clients I’ve had the honor of working with for years since 2003 in the mental health field. On my journey towards obtaining my doctorate and beyond, I realized that access to mental health is a major challenge for many reasons. I also realized that for many of my patients, they came into therapy with so many misconceptions about mental illness and therapy. They even had misconceptions about what therapists do!
New client (in all seriousness): Should I lay down on the couch?
Me (awkwardly): Ummmm, no I don’t do that type of setup. Some of us do — I think? But no, just sit on it. If you want…
After so many years of treating anxiety, trauma, and mood disorders in youth and adults, I have a lot of knowledge that I want to share to give people some anchored, basic information about mental illness, emotional wellness, and how to seek help. I wanted to create a space where people could learn the basics about mental health and wellness.
So enter: The Well Family Spot.
If you check out the “Philosophy” page on this site, you will understand why I picked a “well” as the symbol for this blog. It means even more when I think of my mom. She was one who loved to gather folks together and share resources and stories. That’s why I am here. Hopefully, you are here to take this information and share it with others or use it for yourself!
The cool thing about this is that I am learning how to do this and in many ways, I am addressing that imposter syndrome I spoke about each and every time I post something new for all of you here. It just goes to show that we can learn and grow together. And we can do things even when we are scared, anxious, grieving, depressed, or all of the above.
So tell me what you kinds of topics you want me to share here. Remember, this blog is for INFORMATION, not therapy! But I look forward to writing about things that you want to understand more about for you and your family.
See you around the Spot. Please sign up for our newsletter, share this blog with your friends and follow me on Instagram @thewellfamilyspot.
Let’s be and stay well…together!
Dr. Kelly aka Diana’s Daughter