Helping Kids Cope with Stress
We can’t protect our children from all of life’s roadblocks, but we can equip them with coping skills to manage stressful emotions when they occur.
Embracing & Letting Go
If you woke up tomorrow and were the best version of yourself, but nothing about anyone else changed, what would be different about your life?
Practicing Gratitude in the Midst of Chaos
The practice of gratitude is about creating balance in your emotional experience. It helps you to stay in the moment- a critical element to reducing stress.
Avoidance is awesome…until it’s not.
Avoidance feels awesome and is usually harmless. But for some things, it’s usually a short term fix with long term consequences that aren’t helpful.
Making Self-Care a Habit
Acts of self-care are the things you do as part of your daily practice to help you to be more in-the-moment and not in a state of upset and overwhelm.